Hunger busters – snack attack

This fact sheet has been developed by Youthblock Youth Health Service, Sydney Local Health District for the Yhunger program.

Why go for healthy snacks?

If you’re still growing, you may feel hungry between meals. You may need a few extra snacks throughout the day, but they shouldn’t be just ‘junk’ food. You need snacks that are packed with goodies to keep you healthy. It’s easy to find healthy and tasty snack foods. Keep some in the fridge, the pantry and in your bag for when you need them.


Some tips about snacks:

  • Plan your snacks and put them on the shopping list so you have healthy snacks you can eat at home or take with you when you go out.
  • Think about portion sizes and keep it small – if you really want some junk food, buy the smallest size you can find (think fun size not king size!).
  • Don’t eat straight from a large packet, box or container as you’ll end up eating more than you need. Fresh foods make better snacks.
  • A void soft drinks or energy drinks to fill yourself up – go for water instead.
  • A void snacking while watching TV or in your bedroom. Think about snacks as a healthy mini-meal, not just mindless munching.

Which foods make great snacks?

Snacks need to be quick, easy, tasty, filling and not cost too much. You don’t want to blow your money on sugary, salty or high fat snack foods. If you are eating breakfast, lunch and dinner each day, you should only need about 2 snacks in between.


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